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Category Wellness

Celebrating 19 YEARS at NDC in Oshkosh!

Wow-what a July this will be! We are throwing our 19th-anniversary celebration at our NDC Natural Market location this July 29th – August 4th. You won’t want to miss this. Perhaps you have celebrated with us in prior years or… Continue Reading →

Talk About a Headache!

It would be a challenge to find somebody who never suffers from headaches. It seems that everybody gets them from time to time. What about you? When is the last time you had a headache? Is it a regular occurrence?… Continue Reading →

All about Vitamin D

It’s estimated that as many as one billion people globally are vitamin D deficient. That’s a staggering number — especially when you consider all of the functions of the body that rely on this essential nutrient in order to function… Continue Reading →

Amazing Aloe

Do you have an aloe vera plant in your house? You know the one — it looks a little like a cactus and does fine if you’re not good at remembering to water your plants. Do you treat it as… Continue Reading →

If I Only Had a (Healthy) Brain!

Brain health is on the minds (pun intended!) of many of us. (Makes me think of a famous scarecrow that was worried about his brain!) This is especially true if you’re getting up there in years. Is there anything we… Continue Reading →

Keep it Together With Collagen

Did you know that collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body? It makes up about 25-30% of all protein in our bodies. Collagen is high in glycine, proline, and arginine which your body, incidentally, needs to produce more collagen. These important amino acids are not found in large supply in dietary protein such as chicken or beef. So, even if you eat an adequate amount of protein on a regular basis, you could still be lacking in the collagen department.

The Magic of Mushrooms

Medicinal mushrooms have long been a mainstay in traditional Chinese medicine as well as being used in many other countries for their health benefits. There are quite a few varieties of mushrooms used medicinally, and you may have heard of several. Lion’s Mane and Reishi mushrooms get a lot of attention. We’ll discuss those here but also cover a couple of other lesser known types that may be worth looking into to improve your health.

Digestion: Don’t Know What You’ve Got Til It’s Gone

You might not realize it, but the digestive tract is one of the most complicated systems in the human body. But, your body knows what to do and is happy to do it when given the right conditions. If your system is out of whack and any of the above symptoms ring a bell with you, read on for some effective ways to get things moving again.

To Sleep or Not to Sleep? That is the Question.

Sleep is probably the most under-rated protective health measure out there. Without deep, restorative sleep, your body cannot complete the processes of healing and regeneration that are meant to take place during sleep. The number of hours of sleep necessary varies some but it is generally advised to get between six and eight hours of sleep per night.

Bigger Isn’t Always Better

One of the most common challenges, usually faced by men over the age of fifty, is an enlarged prostate. Symptoms of this uncomfortable condition can include a weak urine stream, trouble urinating, frequent or urgent need to urinate, frequent nighttime urination, and not feeling that all urine has been emptied after a trip to the restroom.

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